Liberals know what they are doing! They are believers in the State but not in a manner which most naive, proletarian, nimrods would understand. To them, the State is not a vehicle to promote general prosperity. Unless they are utterly ignorant of economics, they know that the pathway to greater prosperity is through limited government intervention in the economy which is too hopelessly complex to be managed productively.
No, what liberals really believe in is obtaining public adulation. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. They need the pats on the back. It makes them feel good to play Robin Hood. Their mechanism is to use the power of taxation to soak a minority or unpopular populations and redistribute that wealth to their drooling, teary-eyed, back slapping constituencies. Then they congratulate themselves for their quasi-charity.
There was an economist named Frederic Bastiat that described this process perfectly in the 19th century. He described it as "What is Seen and What is Not Seen". You see, a liberal will tell you (in many different forms) that smashing storefront windows will improve the general welfare by creating jobs for window-glaziers. And no one in the media has the brains to ask them what the shopkeepers would have spent their money on had they not had to replace their broken windows. The point is redistributing wealth does not INCREASE wealth. In fact, it makes it smaller because bureaucrats take their cut and because it destroys production incentives
Obama and Hillary and all liberals manipulate the moronic American electorate with this lame argument over and over and the teary-eyed, neophytes get all wet over the message.
They promise socialized health care, FDR style jobs programs, protection of sloppy, inefficient domestic industries, free college, etc. People with brains ask: Paid for by Who? Why can't I be left to acquire my own? What gives you the right to make my economic decisions for me? Why should I produce if you are going to take the fruits of my labor and give it to non producers?
FDR ravaged the American economy for a decade with his jobs programs, cartelization of major industries, price fixing, and taxation. He created great benefits for his selected constituency- corporate monopolists, unions, dairy farmers who were paid to flush milk down the toilet. The cost for the rest of America was a recession that drug on until 1942.
And Americans, enamoured with his cult of personality, reelected this tyrant three times!
Now Obama (another personality) wants to do the same thing all over again. He will raise tax rates to 52%. He will soak the 'evil' corporations. How does he expect to "create" jobs when he chases even more corporations out of the country? He will tax your carbon using the hoax of manmade global warming as justification (there's been no global temperature increase in almost 10 years!). He will spend $210 billion to create governement works projects. How many jobs will be destroyed in the private sector so that we can pay people to dig holes and fill them back up again?
And, like the 1930s, the naive American electorate can't get enough.
Unfortunately, the Republocrat alternative isn't much of an alternative. 100 year wars are not good for the economy. God help us all!
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