Since the Columbine Shootings, there has been something of a national movement directed against bullying. I think it is based on the assumption that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were oppressed loners, victimized by bullies and who one day just exploded with terrible results. The assumption is probably wrong but pervasive none-the-less. If only the social workers could have intervened with counseling maybe 13 kids would not have been murdered. In response, an army of psycho-crats are applying for federal aid in order to pump out pamphlets, directives, and policies that advise kids and parents on how to best deal with these coercive individuals.
Kids who are being bullied have always wanted to know, "What can I do to make it stop?" Unfortunately, the response from the liberal-leaning school bureaucrats is inane, frequently useless, and quite predictable. In almost every case, the advice is to simply "tell an adult" (preferably a teacher) and never resort to violence. How profound! And how many resources were dedicated to coming up with this directive?
Now telling an adult may work on occasion, and I do agree that an adult should be told (preferably a parent first), but establishing this notion that blindly trusting some public authority (like a teacher) rather than telling a parent or fighting back will or even can solve a bullying problem is emblematic of our society-wide journey towards dependancy and the nanny-state.
Modern liberals assume that a well-crafted, academically contrived policy can cure any evil. They place their existence (and yours as well) solely in the hands of anointed authorities. If some one is stealing your property- pray that the police show up. If someone is raping you- don't fight back, just get counseling afterwards. If someone is extorting your lunch money- trust a teacher to make it stop.
One of the inviolable rights of man is the right to defend yourself. That includes the bearing of arms if necessary and extends all the way down to the use of fists when appropriate. Modern liberals repudiate this personal, inalienable right. They want you to trust some agent of the government to solve your problems rather than having you take matters into your own hands (or fists). Their logic: How can the population possibly be controlled if everyone is taking matters into their own hands?
When I was 12 years old I was bullied by a smirky-faced punk named Anthony Romero. In those days, before all these goofy, dangerous, far-liberal ideas permeated our culture, I was conditioned to take my problems to my dad. I expected him to go over to Anthony's house and kick Anthony's ass for me and his dad's ass too. To my surprise, he didn't. Nor did he tell me to go crying to a teacher. He told me to stand up to the bully by punching him in the nose with the hardest haymaker I could muster. Can you imagine if an edu-crat got wind of this? There would probably be a social worker knocking on our door the next day ready to spirit me away to some foster home.
This caused me great anxiety for the next couple of days preceding the inevitable confrontation. I was afflicted by interminable butterflies. I could not sleep at night. What tortue! Why was my dad doing this to me? Then the day came. Although I did not succeed in crushing Anthony's nose, the experience was empowering more than any other experience in my early childhood. I confronted my fear directly and much to my surprise, I did not die in the process. We used to call these moments 'life experience'. This particular experience taught me that you sometimes have to be an active participant in your own survival. Courage matters. It is shameful that, in our efforts to sanitize life and create utopia for children, we are denying kids real, useful life experience.
After the fight we were hauled into principal Jab's office. Watching a humiliated Mr. Romero sobbing uncontrollably was one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. The world made sense to me again as justice had been served. Principal Jab's was a wise man who knew of Anthony's reputation and also knew that his humiliation was probably appropriate punishment. We were both released on our own recognizance and Anthony never bullied me again.
It saddens me that principal Jab's life was cut short in a terrible car accident. He was a clear thinking, rational man who was loved by the teachers, students and parents of Vista Grande Elementary. He was not today's knee-jerk, moronic, edu-crats who rule by creating absurd rules like 'no playing tag' or 'no playing cops and robbers' on recess. We need more Mr. Jabs' and fewer morons running public schools today. Where do they find these imbeciles? Public Universities I imagine. But I digress...
How would a modern day edu-crat handle my scuffle with Anthony? Probably with zero tolerance. I would have been suspended for the use of violence and an enabled Mr. Romero would have bullied on. Worse yet, I probably would have never asked my dad for help and would have instead trusted the 'proper authorities' to deal with it on my behalf. After whining to teachers and being referred to counseling while the bullying continued, I would have resigned myself to a life of just taking it. In my view, that's really what the liberals want us to do- to sit down, shut up, and take it.
I'm not recommending standing up to a bully alone in every situation. Sometimes they are genuinely tougher than you and you need to find three or four friends to ambush them and beat their ass senseless to teach them a lesson. All kidding aside, the point is that contrary to modern liberals, violence is NOT always wrong. When used as self-defense it is justified. I would even argue that you are OBLIGATED! We shouldn't let the psychologists and edu-crats automatically rule it out as a method for dealing with bullies because they have a romanticized idea of society. Remember- they are bullies. Violence is their language.
Best regards.
Kids who are being bullied have always wanted to know, "What can I do to make it stop?" Unfortunately, the response from the liberal-leaning school bureaucrats is inane, frequently useless, and quite predictable. In almost every case, the advice is to simply "tell an adult" (preferably a teacher) and never resort to violence. How profound! And how many resources were dedicated to coming up with this directive?
Now telling an adult may work on occasion, and I do agree that an adult should be told (preferably a parent first), but establishing this notion that blindly trusting some public authority (like a teacher) rather than telling a parent or fighting back will or even can solve a bullying problem is emblematic of our society-wide journey towards dependancy and the nanny-state.
Modern liberals assume that a well-crafted, academically contrived policy can cure any evil. They place their existence (and yours as well) solely in the hands of anointed authorities. If some one is stealing your property- pray that the police show up. If someone is raping you- don't fight back, just get counseling afterwards. If someone is extorting your lunch money- trust a teacher to make it stop.
One of the inviolable rights of man is the right to defend yourself. That includes the bearing of arms if necessary and extends all the way down to the use of fists when appropriate. Modern liberals repudiate this personal, inalienable right. They want you to trust some agent of the government to solve your problems rather than having you take matters into your own hands (or fists). Their logic: How can the population possibly be controlled if everyone is taking matters into their own hands?
When I was 12 years old I was bullied by a smirky-faced punk named Anthony Romero. In those days, before all these goofy, dangerous, far-liberal ideas permeated our culture, I was conditioned to take my problems to my dad. I expected him to go over to Anthony's house and kick Anthony's ass for me and his dad's ass too. To my surprise, he didn't. Nor did he tell me to go crying to a teacher. He told me to stand up to the bully by punching him in the nose with the hardest haymaker I could muster. Can you imagine if an edu-crat got wind of this? There would probably be a social worker knocking on our door the next day ready to spirit me away to some foster home.
This caused me great anxiety for the next couple of days preceding the inevitable confrontation. I was afflicted by interminable butterflies. I could not sleep at night. What tortue! Why was my dad doing this to me? Then the day came. Although I did not succeed in crushing Anthony's nose, the experience was empowering more than any other experience in my early childhood. I confronted my fear directly and much to my surprise, I did not die in the process. We used to call these moments 'life experience'. This particular experience taught me that you sometimes have to be an active participant in your own survival. Courage matters. It is shameful that, in our efforts to sanitize life and create utopia for children, we are denying kids real, useful life experience.
After the fight we were hauled into principal Jab's office. Watching a humiliated Mr. Romero sobbing uncontrollably was one of the most satisfying experiences of my life. The world made sense to me again as justice had been served. Principal Jab's was a wise man who knew of Anthony's reputation and also knew that his humiliation was probably appropriate punishment. We were both released on our own recognizance and Anthony never bullied me again.
It saddens me that principal Jab's life was cut short in a terrible car accident. He was a clear thinking, rational man who was loved by the teachers, students and parents of Vista Grande Elementary. He was not today's knee-jerk, moronic, edu-crats who rule by creating absurd rules like 'no playing tag' or 'no playing cops and robbers' on recess. We need more Mr. Jabs' and fewer morons running public schools today. Where do they find these imbeciles? Public Universities I imagine. But I digress...
How would a modern day edu-crat handle my scuffle with Anthony? Probably with zero tolerance. I would have been suspended for the use of violence and an enabled Mr. Romero would have bullied on. Worse yet, I probably would have never asked my dad for help and would have instead trusted the 'proper authorities' to deal with it on my behalf. After whining to teachers and being referred to counseling while the bullying continued, I would have resigned myself to a life of just taking it. In my view, that's really what the liberals want us to do- to sit down, shut up, and take it.
I'm not recommending standing up to a bully alone in every situation. Sometimes they are genuinely tougher than you and you need to find three or four friends to ambush them and beat their ass senseless to teach them a lesson. All kidding aside, the point is that contrary to modern liberals, violence is NOT always wrong. When used as self-defense it is justified. I would even argue that you are OBLIGATED! We shouldn't let the psychologists and edu-crats automatically rule it out as a method for dealing with bullies because they have a romanticized idea of society. Remember- they are bullies. Violence is their language.
Best regards.
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