Saturday, November 22, 2008

Daily Rant

This is Mark Cuban's website. It is designed to track the greatest heist in the history of the world known as the $700 Billion TARP program. This scheme was devised by the Fed (the banker's bank) to extract money from you and I in the form of taxes and higher prices, and redistribute it to thieves on Wall Street and the Chinese who gambled and lost in the Real Estate market.

The total theft now stands at $2.5 Trillion. Is it any surprise that the Feds are now trying to trump up charges on Mr. Cuban for "insider trading"?

It is important to realize that these bailout billions do not come from a benevolent rich uncle. The money comes from you and I. If we spend $50 billion saving the sloppily run, sclerotic GM we can only do so by destroying $50 billion of business in the productive sector. In order to "save" GM by giving them money, government must destroy family practices, farms, and small businesses by robbing income from them.

Government cannot "save" or "produce" or "invest" anything. It can only take wealth from one person and give it to another. When Obama/Pelosi/Reid/McCain/Dodd/Bush/Bernanke/Frank/Paulson tell you they can fix the crisis they are LYING! They are money-changers and thieves- that's all.

These bailouts ARE MAKING IT WORSE! This is exactly what Hoover and FDR did in the 1930s. Bailouts, price controls, public works, unionization, cartels, interest rate cuts all made the Great Depression FAR WORSE than it would have been and now we are doing it all over again.

Don't trust the politicians. They will take EVERYTHING! Guard your 401k. Withdraw it if necessary. Save money- don't spend. Pay down debt. Stay out of the stock market. Things are going to get much worse as earning reports come in in 2009. The country needs savings and investment right now, not consumption. We need higher interest rates, not lower. We need falling prices, not inflation. Yet they keep telling us the opposite. They are wrong. Do not trust the politicians or the ignorant clowns on TV or the Ivy League faux-economists. They are delusional with fantasies of "saving the world" by exerting their power. They will lead you to ruin.

Have a nice day!


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