Saturday, February 9, 2008

Why I Hate Hillary #2 (Response to her opinion piece in WSJ)

So the enlightened Mrs. Clinton says she is going to help America pass the "shared prosperity test" by cutting health care costs, fixing student loan interest rates, and by reducing our heating bills.

She says she will encourage saving by "giving new incentives to employers". She plans to "address the root causes of poverty" by increasing the minimum wage, and by creating a "green collar" job core that would make FDR proud.

She plans to offer universal pre-school, universal health care, and even universal broad band. She promises to close the income gap between blacks and whites, the math aptitude gap between women and men, and the cognitive development gap between smart and dumb pre-schoolers.

She is committed to your "pursuit of happiness" whether you are personally committed to it or not. And she will do all this while not borrowing money from "countries like China".

Since the 'paid for by whom' was omitted from her piece (refer to her website) I imagine the costs are inconsequential.

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